1 spot open; a different nationwide. - DEFCON. Defense Readiness Condition. A scale from 1 to 5 to determine how close we are to nuclear annihalation..
begin taking in import from south africa as well, find the UN disease research and control center in the antarctic continent, then take control of it, begin trading diferrent luxury resources with the emus (wink), begin constructing a better form of government
i'd also prepare for war against the Ukraine and Belarus
i'd stop sending sick people out of the country.
accurate and hight range
The brutality of the Antarctic frontier makes expansion incredibly slow. So far the colony can't sustain itself without Australian import; it's a leech.
Expand downleft.
Supercrafter: Radar is stationed in Sydney to protect the Australian eastern coasts. Multiple factories cause fair resource loss, but cause economic benefit. The factories also don't have many resources to process, because of the low resource amounts (Barely any of Australia has it's resources used.)
Umm: Antiair arrays will be heavy on economy and the resources needed are immense. A small array is placed on the lands. The French offer their southern areas, and other countries give their taken lands. Enchanced cruise missiles are developed (advancement in the tech tree) and GPS is slowly being launched on modified WWII rockets.
build a high-range radar.
Build factories.