26 / 2
17th Jan 2020
29th Apr 2020
1 spot open; a different nationwide. - DEFCON. Defense Readiness Condition. A scale from 1 to 5 to determine how close we are to nuclear annihalation..
defcon weallgonnadie nationwide wide game


  • IcyPowder
    19th Mar 2020
    I cant deal with this. I prefer to prepare before war, not start straight into war.
  • AVeryBigNurd
    18th Mar 2020
    FieryPowder: You have joined. Make your moves wise, you are in war with China, and this game is merciless.
  • AVeryBigNurd
    18th Mar 2020
    Supercrafter: The Soviet Union is multiple times superior in militarial and economical ways. They simply don't care. NATO won't help you; they are occupied in the war with Germany. Best shot may be in the Americas.
  • AVeryBigNurd
    18th Mar 2020
    Soapwurmskill909: War efforts increase. Pakistan & India have countered your previous tactics, and are now taking back what is rightfully theirs. They threaten to take this nuclear if you proceed to launching the missile.
  • IcyPowder
    14th Mar 2020
    I join in india
  • Soapwurmskill909
    14th Mar 2020
    Push war efforts but try not to exhuast my troops. I reduce it to 10% and start to launch one of my cruise missiles. I also take any spare military personnel and start to militarise the indo-chinese borders.
  • Supercrafter
    14th Mar 2020
    I threaten Russia.
  • AVeryBigNurd
    14th Mar 2020
    25% is extremely ambitious, and can take months to build up. The population also needs heavy encouragement to work for the military, as well as proper experience. Bombers, cruisers, and an army storm into Pakistan. The classic encirclement method works again, with Pakistan starting to fall. India is ready to retaliate to the invasion. 5 cruise missiles are being built (2 currently built.)
  • Soapwurmskill909
    14th Mar 2020
    I begin a large scale invasion of Pakistan. I send all 10 of my bombers and set up boats along the indian coasts ready for an attack if they get involved. I also prepare any nuclear weapons i have just incase any major nations decide they want to get involved. Aswell as this i begin to train a mass army of about 25% of my current population.
  • Supercrafter
    13th Mar 2020