1 spot open; a different nationwide. - DEFCON. Defense Readiness Condition. A scale from 1 to 5 to determine how close we are to nuclear annihalation..
Supercrafter: Failure. You need CRISPR or other methods of genetic engineering in order to create a custom virus. The best is "mixture" of viruses for a very bad virus (Reminiscent of 1918 spanish flu)
what I mean is Paralysis of limbs.
A virus that weakens.
Supercrafter: Specify?
Oh cool, a recreation of DEFCON in powder toy. Remember, "Everybody dies"
make a underground virus.
The game is shifted away from power and to strategy and speed. Nations will be WAY harder to push through now, unless you have a proper tactic. If you want to privately show a tactic or strategy to control a nation, PM me in tpt (or discord.)
! -Disease 1990-H1N1-2 is detected within Egypt. Strain has infected ~27 people.-! The tropical cyclones decay, leaving a massive mark on the nations it hit.
Soapwurmskill909: The ships and budget increase is done.
Umm: Everything takes away from the economy. Poverty rates boom over 10%. Europe has came prepared, and demands help from America. Uranium research is complete.