1 spot open; a different nationwide. - DEFCON. Defense Readiness Condition. A scale from 1 to 5 to determine how close we are to nuclear annihalation..
You aren't meant to unpause it
Something seems to go wrong when I unpause it. :/ Photons begin bouncing around the lower console, and go crazy when they hit CLNE. (I'll join as Brazil if I can)
Begin to build 8 ships and 4 subs. I begin to evacuate citizens to bunkers and announce a national emergency.
mine uranium in Russia before war happens.
I build 2 sonar ships and 6 subs(3 on each coast)
Continue onto the annexation of Czeck Republic and the Slovaks. build 4 more destroyers and a cruiser.
The large Australian navy will take a while to finish, and will mark the economy. (Sonar ships act as portable radars, and can't attack.)
Austria is slowly but surely being taken over. The radar station is placed in the center of Germany for maximum coverage. The destroyer begins a German navy. Uranium is scarce, and research takes a few days of simply mining it. The research on refinery and enrichment is still starting to happen, though. (Radioactive element type determines power of nuke and how hard it is to build)
make 3 carriers, 5 battleships and 2 sonar.
Research how to refine uranium and how to enrich it.