26 / 2
17th Jan 2020
29th Apr 2020
1 spot open; a different nationwide. - DEFCON. Defense Readiness Condition. A scale from 1 to 5 to determine how close we are to nuclear annihalation..
defcon weallgonnadie nationwide wide game


  • Soapwurmskill909
    11th Feb 2020
    Who has the weakest military currently?
  • Soapwurmskill909
    11th Feb 2020
    I send merchants to south Africa.
  • AVeryBigNurd
    11th Feb 2020
    NuttyMcNuttzz: Shall the path go via the Mediterranian, crossing rivers to arrive at the sea nearest to Afghanistan, or go all around Africa?
  • NuttyMcNuttzz
    11th Feb 2020
    wait no. Cross the Panama Canal
  • AVeryBigNurd
    11th Feb 2020
    The carrier will travel the Pacific, stop at the Phillipines, then complete the rest of the journey. Afghanistan is being hard to invade from a heatwave / mass amount of sandstorms.
  • AVeryBigNurd
    11th Feb 2020
    Both sides in the Chinese-Indian war have retreated back home, willing for peace. India agrees to the treaty (100m isn't much at all, however they still accept.) Pakistan doesn't agree to being a puppet of China, they merely want the territorial lust to stop. Some Chinese peopel themselves decline taking Pakistan, as China still needs to work on utilizing their desert territories.
  • NuttyMcNuttzz
    10th Feb 2020
    I have the other carrier equipped with 10 Raptor jets sent to Afghanistan to help with the war effort
  • Soapwurmskill909
    10th Feb 2020
    I retreat my troops from india and pakistan as a sighn that i want peace. As a result, i will give both india and pakistan 100 metres of land each and i will pay war reparations, but pakistan must be a puppet of mine.
  • AVeryBigNurd
    10th Feb 2020
    The cruisers, Spirit bombers, and Raptors are all built without putting pressure on the economy. The monument gains mass public support, internationally, due to the goverment paying well respect to their fighters who prevented a nuclear breakout.
  • NuttyMcNuttzz
    10th Feb 2020
    Sorry B2 not B-22