26 / 2
17th Jan 2020
29th Apr 2020
1 spot open; a different nationwide. - DEFCON. Defense Readiness Condition. A scale from 1 to 5 to determine how close we are to nuclear annihalation..
defcon weallgonnadie nationwide wide game


  • AVeryBigNurd
    8th Feb 2020
    American interventions have slown the revolution out of France, and are collecting forces around to close in on the heartland of the resistance to end the war.
  • AVeryBigNurd
    8th Feb 2020
    The quick hiring leads to poorly trained, rushed troops, while the main army works on Mongolia. The southern battles have slown down to minor expansions. The northern battles are nearing total success.
  • NuttyMcNuttzz
    8th Feb 2020
    I send troops to Europe to stabilize the regions affected
  • Soapwurmskill909
    8th Feb 2020
    I maintain war efforts in the north and quickly begin to hiremilitary personnel to attack the Indian forces.
  • AVeryBigNurd
    8th Feb 2020
    The heavy desolance of southern China allows India to easily take the lands with little resistance.
  • AVeryBigNurd
    8th Feb 2020
    Armies quickly arrive from the Chinese coasts and wreak sudden havoc on Mongolia. India, seeing the chaos, declares war on China. Over 2 billion people wake up to be in sudden war time.
  • Soapwurmskill909
    8th Feb 2020
    AVeryBigNurd: I declare war on mngolia.
  • AVeryBigNurd
    8th Feb 2020
    The USSR denies hevily for creating this revolution in Europe, and the USSR itself is already nearing collapsing, so goverments have ruled out the possibility of the Soviet Union being the cause or having anything to do with the European revolution.
  • AVeryBigNurd
    8th Feb 2020
    The socialist reolution, named the "Resistance" continues to cause rebellion across a large region of countries. Western Europe reports missiles have been stolen, and bases are in control of the Resistance. They call for a nuclear power to do intervention before they play with toys of destruction.
  • AVeryBigNurd
    8th Feb 2020
    India and Mongolia are very confused why colonists from China have appeared within their lands. They state it's their territory and you have no right to take control of it. (Expansion needs diplomacy or war.)