1 spot open; a different nationwide. - DEFCON. Defense Readiness Condition. A scale from 1 to 5 to determine how close we are to nuclear annihalation..
General_of_the_world: You now have joined. Welcome. Be cautious: this wide is designed to be chaotic.
India has surrendered. Awaiting Chinese move.
Soapwurmskill909: Incubation period of (unknown) month, and 100% mortality rate.
General_of_the_world: Nah mate it's fine, go ahead as Russia
I close my borders and start to isolate any cities that have the plague. Also, how deadly is it?
AVeryBigNurd: I accept the japanese help. I start to disarm a few of the nukes i am not currently using and start putting more defences in place.
Oh ok well i'd like to play as Russia but i guess the Soviet Union if i have no choice.
im gonna die before i get killed. No country shall take the false glory of killing me.
i self collapse
i give up