1 spot open; a different nationwide. - DEFCON. Defense Readiness Condition. A scale from 1 to 5 to determine how close we are to nuclear annihalation..
The game will not be light ever again in the approach of DEFCON 3.
Soapwurmskill909: Nuclear weapons will take a while to arm. The more nukes, the higher chance one explodes, setting off the entire silo. AA batteries are being built around Bejing and other cities; causing a corruption decrease because citizens feel safer. The Japanese do not need land, but they offer slight militarial/technological support.
The plague has continued to sweep Africa and begins manifesting itself intercontinentally. Epidemic alert issued.
General_of_the_world: Comment again to pass activity testing. Russia or the Soviet Union (this is placed in the months before soviet collapse, 1990)
I'd like to play as Russia.
Start arming AA flak cannons Around Beijing and start to shoot any Airborne object in the sky, and send 5 nukes to Mumbai, aswell as recapturing new delhi. I also request for japan to joil the war and promise then north korea ans some indian land.
nice ()
Sorta, really only target is C a l i f o r n i a because of reasons for us western states.. I really just pick random nations for events to spice the game lol
is this anything like that?
or me wiping out australia... the continent, not the country