Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Build a city at (550, 197). Check on the researchers to see if they have discovered any new gunpowder or steam powered weapon. Have a new empire wide replantation program, where we go around the forest replanting trees where they are needed. These trees are not to be cut down unless they are grown back again. Once they are cut down, they should be planted back. This should help increase resources.
Send a colony with 100 people to (485, 179) from the new port. Since we are landing in the forest, we should be easily adopted to the climate there. Build a port at (489, 173). Build a large wall between the Shaggoths and the new port to reassure people that there is no threat. Have the cargo ships send supplies down to the southern colony.
Increase exports and resource collection for building 10 ships while retaining a stable economy, then set sail to help the forces kill the undead.
Cool. I will build a colony ship and sail westward, land on the coast next to the northern sulfur deposit, and establish a mining camp.
Have our troops camp at the closest city to the Undead Empire for now.
We can split the land they have in three
AVeryBigNurd, TeddyD, lets kill the Undead together.
Sulfur deposits
What are the pink triangles scattered around the map?
Is it Rumors or confirmed?