Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Have our scouts sneak to the Undead Empire and observe how thier armies fight. Report back to me.
I request to unify/ absorb S.O.F. reasoning that both our nations need to stand together in the face of the zombies
Mine for gold in the colonial region I'll refer to hereon as Frontia.
Hey DragonJames, I'm not here to steal your land, just here to build a resting spot for my ships so I can travel to the other side of the continent.
Build a port at (557, 187)
Train 1000 more people in the army. Train 500 more elite troops for a total of 1000 elite troops. They should still be equiped with the best armour and crossbows and weapons. Have a empire-wide city innovation program, have the schools improved and all the roads and monuments given a thorough cleaning, and have the roads patched. Improve the buildings overall and clean them and patch them.
Check up on our mining districts to see if we have discovered any new ore. Also check up on the forges to see if they have made the 'supermetal', or any other new metal.. Build a port at (517, 151) and build huge fortifications around the port. Send 1000 people in the army to the port to defend from the monsters. Make a road from the empire to the port that is very secure and having soilders patrol the route for any monsters.
I develop dynamite to bore a tunnel through the eastern mountains.
DragonEggLol Have you forgotten that you can travel around the other side of the map? You aren't completely trapped by the chaos lands.
Umm also N2H4 wants to purchase 500 of your high quality soldiers in exchange for selling you ice as a resource.