51 / 10
21st Jan 2020
15th May 2024
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
nationwide helpalienshere maps diplomacy politics edir worldmap wide nation weneedhelp


  • MinecraftTranquility
    15th Feb 2020
    DragonEggLol Roadbuilding has been commissioned, and the lower class population has been given something to do finally. The citizens are bale to more easily make their way through the vast territory of your nation, and the new studies of steam power are yielding promising ideas.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    15th Feb 2020
    DragonEggLol Your troops have receded from the frontier. 4000 reinforcements have arrived.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    15th Feb 2020
    N2H4 You can just describe the position in relation to your capital, that makes it easier
  • MinecraftTranquility
    15th Feb 2020
    N2H4 Steam tech and gun tech are available on freelance/government trade markets, you can choose to research the technology yourself or try to make trade relations with other countries.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    15th Feb 2020
    Umm The railways have at this point reached both ends of your vertical territory. Ice might as well be a pipe dream where you are, some people don't even believe it exists. You'll have to import ice from northerly nations, as the market for it has not garnered major demand yet and thus no freelance ice trade has sprung up in your country yet.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    15th Feb 2020
    Umm 2 deckers are being refitted with steam apparatuses. This process will cost a decent amount, but will dramatically increase your naval capacity.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    15th Feb 2020
    Umm Your troops are currently searching through the forestlands, everything is oddly quiet and the trees have begun to sort of moan.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    15th Feb 2020
    Umm Metal shielding and framing is being added t othe rifles, this reduces jamming and foreign substances getting stuck, but increases manufacturing costs slightly.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    15th Feb 2020
    N2H4 the canal will take a while, as large sections of forest need t obe cleared away and seawalls need to be smoothed and chipped down.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    15th Feb 2020
    erictom333 Your steam engine infant tech is being implemented as quasi propellants for your ships, allowing them to increase their resistance to wind and current.