Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Alienoverlord Your government will ahev to shell out significant funding to provide better conditions for your people.
Begin engineering an extremely basic system for steam power; boiled water is fed into a container, turning light turbines, producing electricity. If these tests succeed, begin going on a larger scale. A message to motivate this devopment to the public and workerd is: "Electricity will gain usage once we synthesize useful things thst utilize it."
AVeryBigNurd Trade routes have been thickened using wind-based cartography. Merchants have better references as to when and when not to sail. 5 Pre-calculated paths have been made, the best fo which has been chosen to be used as the template for the highway. The concept of "grenade" is being explored.
Build large fortifications on every city in the plains in case. Have soilders guard on the walls at night to spot any attacks. Train 1000 more soilders to be in the regular army.
I begin to send soldiers to guard the mining camp and commonly used paths between the city and the camp, preventing robbing and material loss. I also use some more excess materials to expand the camp and develop better and easier paths between the city and camp.
Change the name of the big boi ship to "Fist of Zeus"
Have our official researchers work on improving the engine, but have the nonofficial (non governmental hired people) people maybe work on other designs?
Fund any new studies on better engines or steam powered designs. Call this the "Age of Steam". All useful designs should be reported back to the empire. Meanwhile, establish a system of roads throughout the empire to incourage trade within the empire between citizens.
N2H4 Your excess building materials have been used to strengthen communal structures such as town halls, baths, castles, and administrative buildings. Also your mining camp is very far from the mainland, it requires a steady stream of supplies along the mapped path.
Back up into our own terriory and don't attack them unless they attack. Build fortifications on the border of the empire in the north. Pray to the gods to help us win any battle that comes our way. Research for gunpowder weapons and test prototypes of them.