Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Begin initial efforts to build steam engines and basic guns
Continue the expansion efforts, and once again try to connect our mainland and northern colony, build railways where we go to supply them and to later carry food down south. Try to search around if we have any ice, if we do then create big storage houses near our capital, in the north and everywhere that food or other easily perishable items might go and use it to refirgirate some train carts (create special ones) and to create basic fridges.
Start to build 50 more of our 3 deck ships, and convert the older 2 deck ships into the steam powered ones, atleast half of them.
Continue the development of rifles, and for now try to find some way to make them less prone to jam. If we have any rivers, start to build a dam, I understand it will be a large project but I will be willing to take it. Order my troops in the middle of the suspected source of these magic woods to set out and try to find anything that is of intrest, anamalous or might be a part of why the forests are like so.
Buid a city and expand east.
Either way, I would like to build a port in the bay just west of the capital, and begin work on a canal going from the inside of the bay to the western sea.
Alienoverlord: Do you also claim the cold forest in the north parts I'm in, or just the ones south of the mountains? Can I still develop and gather resources from the forest?
Dragonjames the letters mean that you are currently in the Northern Dominant Powers League, where every nation swears to defend the others and swear loyalty to each other. For the Glory of the NDPL!
I develop faster steam powered ships (armed with steam cannons, just in case of attack) able to break through the current to my southeast and dispatch them with explorers and colonists to colonise the forest to my east.
No! The letters!