Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
MinecraftTranquility: I have a Discord account. Trinitroazyx#7538.
All these orders will be fulfileld tomorrow
Alienoverlord: Steampunky stuff still requires a lot of other technology enchancements and scientific knowledge, e.g lift, drag, jet engines (need jet fuel and air) and many more. We aren't even near the time steam comes in, industrial revolution about.
N2H4 Licinius#3250 is my discord, add me
There, we both make money, but we don't have to fight over these mountains.
I agree. I'd rather not get annihilated by an empire 10 times the size of mine the day I begin.
N2H4 If you have discord let us speak in private, you can tell me secret orders and projects in discord too
Strengthen the internal trade routes of Colora for preparation of the being built trade route. Request maps of the lines of the international route so we can help build it. We just made a "grenade" with the cannon, so devise the checker - like pattern of a grenade exterior for more frags. Dig for more minerals for learning more chemistry, then move onward to basic electricity.
I will build a mine in the mountains and claim a portion of them, then I allow some of your workers to mine there, and keep what they mine.
I guess. I don't want to take any territory or resources, if that's what you think I'm doing.