Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Its sulphur deposits, used to make gunpowder and other cool stuff
What are the magenta spire things?
Have researchers research an steam powered engine big and powerful enough to move the big ironclad ship. Give them the entire research agency's funding, and tell them to make sure the engine is safe and reliable. Meanwhile, make our economy better by promoting buissnesses in our empire and encourage people to leave farming to the farmers and go make new shops or buisnesses.
Umm: Can we trade for gunpowder? I can give ya whatever ya want, perhaps some advanced crossbow designs?
Right, call this ship "The Destroyer of Lives" and create a seperate campaign for it. This campaign should put out propaganda about how strong the ship is, and create opportunites where people could donate money to the campaign. Invite wealthy people all around the empire to come have a tour of the ship and wow them to give some of thier wealth.
Holy sheet, I did some calculations and the WW2 Bismark is 823 feet, double that would be 1646 feet, and the largest ship ever on Earth was the Seawise Giant, a transport ship at only 1504 feet. The largest battleship would be the Yamato, at only 863 feet. HOLY this ship is LARGE
But the ship is expensive to maintain, as you have essentially built a vessel that is some 300 years ahead of its time, it is extremely hard to maintain and fund. And it's still under construction so usage will not be possible until later.
DragonEggLol That ship also increases your stability, as your citizens feel pretty damn safe knowing that some giant metal hulk is protecting their shores.
Research Better Steam Powered Engines and build a train track from the capital to the northern plains to increase communication and supply lines. Keep all the designs to the mega-destroyer ABSOLUTE secret, the higest secret classification. Only HIGHLY trusted officials have access to them. Have the builders of the ship given money to keep it a secret.
Umm Your orders are sent, the fleet may not recieve the orders however as longboat messengers may get lost or beached.