Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Umm Your triple deckers are now able to house 60 guns, 30 on each side. 18 inch 20 pounders, low velocity and short range but pack a hell of a punch if they land. These designs are derived from a mysterious traveller from the far reaches of the world. He seems to be famous in the underground, due to his possession of unusual secret technologies and knowledge that should not exist.
Supercolby No real tech needed for railroads, just steel and wood. What you DO need is steam power, and your natin is unfortunately extremely remote in location, not much trade or migratory traffic passes through your northern territory.
Supercolby Coastal fortresses are being built, these have a strategic advantage of being able to survey and overlook huge swaths of oceanic territory, providing naval defense to enemy fleets if needed.
NuttyMcNuttzz Also take note that the border wall is still generally under construction and parts are underdeveloped or undermanned and that is mostly why the enemy troops are able to break through. They are also slowing down construction of the wall.
NuttyMcNuttzz The wall is being harassed almost daily by raiding parties and marauding dukes seeking to plunder your resources. Some segments of the wall have been breached at points and several tons of supplies/ curency robbed. The introduction of more sophisticated art to your population helps in your society's "quality control" of utility.
Yall can roleplay whatever way you want, just make it a clear distinction from your real self xd. Saying this in addition to Umm's input
erictom333 Steam is power is being increased in usage to promote innovation.
DragonEggLol Also crime is increasing in your swampland provinces, the population there is usually regarded as... rowdy and uncouth. Think mad max but a little more tame. Law enforcement is a very tedious job in the swamps and robbery/murder is rampant as of currently.
DragonEggLol If your troops are already good at anything, it is walking. Your empire is very large, and thus your troops are not able to move around it very fast but they do get a LOT of experience in long marches.
AVeryBigNurd A port has laready been established by your prepared colonials. The port has been focused on heavily due to it being the only overseas hub you posses, it has grown very large.