51 / 10
21st Jan 2020
15th May 2024
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
nationwide helpalienshere maps diplomacy politics edir worldmap wide nation weneedhelp


  • MinecraftTranquility
    11th Feb 2020
    TeddyD A small velley path has been discovered through the mountains, apparently nomads have been using it for pilgrimage to the fertile land for centuries. Your citizens are currently using it to seek sanctuary, although they cannot accomplish much in the fertile land due to having nothing but the clothes off their backs. Some small independent villages have been established but nothing more.
  • Umm
    11th Feb 2020
    Also, as we have gunpowder we can make granades, I'd want 2 sorts to be made, one made out of glass for strike groups in our army, and one made out of steel or iron for our normal front line units.
  • Umm
    11th Feb 2020
    Also, once we have gunpowder ship a lot of barrels of it to the northern soldiers, and if the forests doesn't want to burn like I told in a order beforehand, we will make it yield by explosive means. Also equip caravans that want to get to it with gunpowder barrels
  • Umm
    11th Feb 2020
    And as always, continue the expansion, this time on all fronts.
  • Umm
    11th Feb 2020
    Search for the components needed to make concrete and try to make some. Build a new city in the northern colony, alongside another food factory. Continue the expansion of our main land holdings and our northern colony, once complete build a train line there and once trains are ready start to carry the food directly from there to the places that may require it, build bigger hubs in the center point of demand to offload the food and then carry by wagon.
  • Umm
    11th Feb 2020
    Well, concidering we have gunpowder now this will be a game changer. Start to redesign a variant of the 3 decker ship to be able to house cannons, 16 inch ones more precisely. And as we don't currently have said 16 inch cannons we will start development on them. Meanwhile that is going on lets try to develop an arquebus, or musket. Build a massive new research facility near our capital, but out of the deserts to better allow our scientists to do their job.
  • Supercolby
    11th Feb 2020
    i would also like to begin setting up a food factory and what technology do i require to set up a railroad
  • Supercolby
    11th Feb 2020
    i would like to use my soldiers to continue to take territory SE and set up fortresses along the ocean line
  • NuttyMcNuttzz
    11th Feb 2020
    No problem. I begin building a wall along the newly created border(and the passage to get to the deposit) and begin extracting the sulfur. I also begin opening art galleries and opera houses throughout my nation to increase morale.
  • Umm
    11th Feb 2020
    I reject this proposal of "alliance" as I see no point in dragging myself down with the weak. (No hate meant, this is entirely for RP purposes)