Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Develop a one of its kind warship (color it orange or something) with steel and lead plated protection, with places to shoot from and other forms of protection. It should be our biggest ship only to operate in our local ocean waters, not to go very far. Start researching train tracks and perhaps a steam powered train engine. Also, is it possible to build a port at (517,147)? Or perhaps build a artifical canal or river to allow access to the other side of the ocean.
Promote National unity by using propagnda (such as "United we stand, divided we fall") Build a city at (509, 91) and build fortifications around the city. Use steam power as the dominant form of power and perhaps develop a steam powered engine. Keep any useful steam development under extreme secret (PM ME!). Research ways to mine faster using steam powered drills.
As well, expand north to that ruined city
Also, why is my stability low?
The zombies are not moving yet, but when they do, have my troops line up against the grassland-swamp border, giving us the terrain advantage
Also, begin expanding east along the southern mountains
as many troops as will enlist.
I begin creating local police departments to keep the peace and enforce laws. I also create a court of law, and craete trial by jury. City officials are now to be elected by the citizens, and provincial leaders are to be elected by city officials
Oh uhh, I was reffering to the deposit in the East but ok. Have the men use chains to hoist down the logs past the waterfalls, and then have the men use the technique I sent you in pm. We begin using steam technology, and implement it into those said hoists,sort of automation if you wish.
New stats have been added, wealth-resources-stability represented by RGB vertical lines.