Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
The hardest type of wood.
Umm Thr tracks are being built before the engine, and engineers are conforming the engine design to fit the tracks instead to save time and complete the railway ahead of schedule. Administrators are getting some rail networks drafted up so they can have an idea of the logistical order necessary.
Umm Your sailing army reports no anomalies, they appear to be making their way around the horn landmass of your continent, and can abserve gigantic trees growing near the coast, trees that must be thousands of feet high. The crew and soldiers have never seen anything like them, and the canopies are not even observable above the cloud cover.
Umm Steel is being infused with carbon to make it tougher and more pure, which should increase costs but also increase overall strength and trauma resistance. Triple decked ships are being developed, and btw you know you have actual gunpowder now, the holy powder was just an accident. Steel is being incorporated into the ship superstructure.
Umm Would you like to go for grass-based paper or wood based paper? Or even parchment? Parchment will last longer and is more durable, but is a target for insects and rats. Plant based paper is cheaper and can be made in larger supply, but it is subject to deterioration and must be renewed/copied.
Dragonjames Having a variable but ample supply, yes your log industry is going well. But you still need to establish a standard wood type for building.
Supercolby 300 soldiers have been outputted.
DragonEggLol Your scouts were able to make it there and back, the whole land is known as the Land of Desolation, it is a region of Edir that is the most inhospitable, wastelandish, brutal landscape in this planet.
DragonEggLol Steam power is already available, courtesy of trickles of trade traffic coming from the far west and east that contain artifacts of this new technology. Steam power has proven useful in powering forge compressors, granaries, and gravel crushers.
DragonEggLol Your engineers are working on ways to funnel bad particles into subterranean vents where they can travel to other regions instead. Meamnwhile your fleet of soldiers is on its way south. The shelters are coming along well, and the supply sotres within are growing slowly. The tribes give no response, althoug the attacks do ease up for a month.