Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Start researching how to use steam as power, and create mini experiments with steam to test if that could work. If it does work, then start testing large-scale experiments. Continue using water mills, but try using gears to make a conveyer system. If it works, use the system in production centers to speed up progress.
Send 1000 soilders to the southern colonies by boat. Once they get there, immediantly begin building fortifications on the land. Continue focusing on building the Shelters, and stock food in the shelters in case of an emergency. Tell the tribes to stop or they will risk war by the mighty empire. Stop the mining districts, but research ways to minimize the dangerous chemicals.
Build another troop factory, Begin training again
Then move pro miners to the tunnel.
Completely stop the mining districts
DragonEggLol No new ore discovered, but mining districts are releasing dangerous particles into the air that are poisoning the crops of agricultural districts in nearby regions. The shelters will take some time to get big enough to house a decent number of people. The northern tribes indeed continue to harass your cities, though the activity has gone down with your troops beings stationed in the north.
NuttyMcNuttzz Your cartographers have charted a proposed path to take, in order to bypass most of the mountains. As for the woods, it is suggested that you simply use your navy to create another colony in the forests and use barges to transport wood there and back. The rivers that go through the mountains lead to many waterfalls and rapids, not suitable for cargo vessels.
DragonEggLol The tribes have refused the gifts. And scouts do not have the nowledge nor the manpower to build fortifications. The grave remains have been exhumed and investigated. 10 dead by blunt force trauma, 2 dead by apparently being skinned alive, 8 were found fresh in the graves, 3 of which were not even crew members, perhaps natives? Most of the bodies were found with arrows stuck into them, it appears your first expedition had a fight with unknown assailants and lost.
Alienoverlord Your soldiers have begun a tunneling project into the mountain range. This project will take a while but is possible. Your army requests a professional mining workforce be allocated to the site.
TeddyD Your mining sites have moved some territory south. Also, rumors have reached your court that the Undead empire is rebuilding its forces again.