51 / 10
21st Jan 2020
15th May 2024
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
nationwide helpalienshere maps diplomacy politics edir worldmap wide nation weneedhelp


  • NuttyMcNuttzz
    8th Feb 2020
    I begin expanding East towards the sulfur deposit. I train another 3 000 soldiers. I also begin creating a ssytem of stone roads in big cities and implement a sewage system. I begin seraching for rare and stronger metals. I seperate my nation into regions, to lesser the governments responsibilities. Cities are also governed by governments elected by the citizens
  • DragonEggLol
    8th Feb 2020
    MinecraftTranquility whats your discord chat
  • AVeryBigNurd
    8th Feb 2020
    Build a mass of 5 ships to venture forth, out into the unknown. Plan colonization when new lands are found, and come back when needed.
  • Umm
    8th Feb 2020
    I start to impliment a state run secret service made to root out any spies and to protect our more.. intresting aspects.
  • Umm
    8th Feb 2020
    Ohh, that's intresting, we'll carry that with us then in case we find something intresting.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    8th Feb 2020
    Soapwurmskill909 You should have said that on my discord chat xd
  • MinecraftTranquility
    8th Feb 2020
    Which means the holy fire won't be able to create a massive forest fire, it functions like some industrial strength laser cutter.
  • Soapwurmskill909
    8th Feb 2020
    I start to boost my military strength and send spies to see what type of "Fire" Umm is harnessing.
  • Umm
    8th Feb 2020
    Also order our troops to take out the grass by hand 5 meters from the camp
  • MinecraftTranquility
    8th Feb 2020
    Also, the flame itself has been tested on wood, upon contact the ultra high temp simply vaporizes/atomizes the wood, creating a heat vacuum that prevents the rest of the wood from catching fire. You essentially have a small lightsaber. It melts/burns/destroys whatever it touches, but nothing around the AOE.