Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
We use the holy fire to set the forest on fire, normal fire to set the grass on fire
Umm Well there are a few problems with that. You currently only possess one flame worth of this type of fire, and it is in the only existing pile of the strange powder you concocted. So one flame is available for you troops, they have used regular fire to scorch the grass around the camp, and the high temp flame is within the camp on an obsidian pedestal.
Well, missing troops eh? No retreat in that case. We will continue to march foward. Start to send fire to the troops in the front and order them to set up a more permanant camp for now, order them to cut down the forests for about 40 meters around their camp and burn the grass, this will be a fire line. Then set the forests on fire.
Umm the fire is being brought to the forestline
Umm Unknown ores are being tested in every possible way agains tiron, grinding, melting, smashing, and even powdering.
Umm The 1000 troops sent back to guard the path have been missing ever since. Scouts have managed to squeeze their way up to the treetops only to find no camp smoke or any torches lit by the retreating troops.
Umm Commisars are being trained in harsh disciplinary regimens and exercises as well as morale improvment and control. Your divisons are becoming more distinguishable by their attire and equipment specific to environment. The northern army is featuring heavier gear and armor due to the high food supply, while the southern armies are featuring lighter gear to help reduce fatigue in the hot climate.
This forest.. Time to burn it to the ground. Use our fire to set the forest on fire.
Umm The camp system works well enough, though the rate of tree clearing is still sluggish and tedious. And one MASSIVE problem has been discovered. The pathways and trees behind your troops have closed up, scouts are not able to relay messages back to the colony, and the troops are beginning to realize they can't turn around. Your elites are having an even harder time trying to make their way toward the main force considering their smaller numbers and manpower.
AVeryBigNurd In terms of basic chemistry your nation is already decently developed in chemistry, having produced many ways to preserve meat and such due to your large hunting economy.