Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Umm The far eastern colony will be exceptionally hard to maintain and keep control of, not only is it a great distance away, but the jounrey to the location across the ocean is far to perilous to be made commercial at this time. Colonial support will be expensive and very hit or miss. To strengthen connections and supply lines to the colony you need naval and overland improvements of logistics.
Umm 20 cargo ships won't be shown as they are not combat ships. Your new military system allows for better protection of officers.
Umm The animals have been repurposed for said functions and duties. You currently have a reasonably consistent supply of elephants but a lack of breeders. The desert tribe across the dunes may have a more prevalent exotic animal culture.
NuttyMcNuttzz Double decked galleys are being developed, but you still do not possess a consistent source of lumber, you need forests to be able to manufacture larger fleets.
TeddyD You have a choice. Would you like to develop the Strongarm bow, a new type that uses torque strength rather than slingshot strength to fire arrows much further and faster than even longbows, or develop the Triple fire crossbow, able to fire 3 bolts at once not unlike a shotgun.
Dragonjames I'm updating in a while, just let me input ALL orders
Uh, I don't see my nation..
More rome-ish but still 40k influenced in the beginning (to an extent). Later on more 40k because why the hell not
That's right bois, I am a desert boi
By the way Umm are you planning to form your infant nation into essentially an "Imperium of Man" Warhammer 40k type empire? Or are you going for a "Rome" approach? Knowing this will help me save you technological specifications as I know the development cycle for both entities.