Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
I send some ships back from that colony and have them claim the coast as they go.
"Lesser Shoggoths are a smaller breed of Shoggoths found throughout the Abyss." HMMMMM sounds like Shaggoths to me, ok ill stop spamming now lmao
"Coralium Infested Swamp" says AbyssalCraft wiki
Also, is this Coralium Plague thingy a refrence to AbyssalCraft in Minecraft?
Also, check on the mining team.
Continue researching how to clean the Shaggoth area of the slime thingy, and perhaps try using ocean water mixed with different herbs and the sacred plant. If that does not work, try other methods instead. Continue to industrialize our cities and create more food, therefore more people can let go of farming and do something else. Promote small buisnesses by giving them a SMALL (but not tiny) amount of money each year, but they have to contribute to the society or else they wont get money.
Station soilders at the northern cities incase of an attack. Start researching better armor and better weapons. With the fast steel production rate, we should be able to experiment with many different weapons. If possible, research better crossbows. Find out if the forges have found anything new from thier research, and keep anything they find under wraps so no one knows about it.
Yo AVeryBigNurd just download more happiness like bruh its not that hard
Yukalakenia invasion!! time to start my empire.