Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
erictom333 Life in the mountainous north is very hard, and not many people are able to move there without dropping almost everything they know and own. Motivation is low and risk is high. It is very dangerous work up there.
DragonEggLol The SCP elite forces are being formulated. Their training shall take longer as you want highly skilled units.
DragonEggLol The northern tribes refuse to trade, they are currently on hostile terms with your nation as your colonials are essentially destroying their hunting ground for lumber resources. Educational campuses are being built more frequently, increasing student base capacity. Watermills can be reengineered into wheat crushing mills.
Oh ok then, nvm
DragonEggLol Several scouts have been dispatched into the underground systems. None of them have returned, a short range search party recovered the tattered remains of a scout's clothing, along with his short sword, which appears to have been corroded heavily. The now shoggoth-less swamps are still infected, and several scientists are recovering samples to test the properties of coralium. Also the shoggoths moved to the wasteland mountains, not the tropics.
"northern hippy forests" ok den
Report on the northern hippy forests? Also, lets expand to this rich nation from our eastern colony in that case, send over 1000 troops to do so, make them graph the way and construct roads. Build a barracks there and build a new food factory in the northern colony. Start the construction of a new massive dockyard, and build 30 ships of our new class. Continue to look into gunpowder and all possible sources we could get its materials. Train another 200 elite troops and 1000 normal troops
as my first act i would like to start expanding my countries border east towards the lake.
yes that will work
I also send ships to explore the bay on the eastern side of the mountains.