Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
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Just try and lay the foundations for at least some standardised weapon production. It might take a while, but better to start now then all die and become zombies.
Umm Your new factory system speeds up production by 35%. Materials will take less time to produce and market/equip. Your eastern fleet has once again set sail for the eastern coast, recieving a big sendoff at the previous port. As for the desert kingdom well... the elephant in the room is that a huge desert blocks your direct contact to the kingdom, you'll have to make contact via the northern or eastern colony because no scouts or delegations will be able to navigate the desert.
erictom333 Mining sites are being established deeper in the mountain ranges, thoug hthe work is extremely dangerous and unstable and the profession has caused numerous deaths among your mining workforce.
TeddyD Your populations have increased by 1 million approx. Arms manufacturing firms have been opened, howveer the workers and manpower is needed to get them running, where do you want to draw thousands of weapon smiths from, having never actually produced standardized weaponry before?
AVeryBigNurd Both designs are being implemented.
DragonEggLol The Shoggoth herds seem to have migrated west, your 1000 troops stationed behind them report that they probably used underground cave systems to slip past the camp region. Evidently these creatures do possess intelligence. Your attacks did enough damage to force them out of the area.
DragonEggLol Larger caravans are being given the luxury of a military escort, 10% cut down to 5% deduction from soldier count.
DragonEggLol Hmm, how many pages down? I must have forgot, or you may have misremembered. Apologies if I missed it, I'll look down to see if i can find it.
Oh, then instead of EVERY caravan, protect only the most important, for example precious items or LARGE amounts of wood.