Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Continue aiming for the Shaggoth's middle eye, and build more fortifications around the area of the Shaggoth's infection. Research ways of cleaning the poison out of the plants and animals in that area. Try using herbs and maybe Apollo's sacred plant, the laurel's leaf, to feed to the Animals and plants.
If possible, send mining teams to the sulfur deposits north of the plains, and accompany them with 20 soilders each. Follow the plans of building the specialized shrine for each olympian gods. Have the priests offer sacrifices to them every day.
Build 10 warships that I designed earlier, and train the soilders and sailors how to operate on them. Build roads throughout our empire, expanding our road network and decreasing communication times. Accompany every lumber caravan with several soilders to prevent the northern tribals from being attacked.
Umm Your scouts have reported that the small kingdom in the desert is a mostly peaceful trading kingdom. They possess a lot of treasure and valuable jewels mined and traded from the prosperous north. Unfortunately they have very few trading partners to profit from.
Umm As for the eastern ships, do you want the soldiers to come with the ships? And do you want them to leave behind the colony they're developing?
Umm Assembly line production not possible. Intermediate electronics required to operate a conver belt, unless you want to use some sort of pulley system or water driven system, in which case the location of such factories will have to be chosen selectively. The steam engine is being developed in an attempt to out more energy.
erictom333 Your scouts report a large mudland to the northwest, terrible ground for building or travelling. A huge mountain range to the northeast, nearly impossible to navigate without the best guides money can buy, and that's with just 10 men, imagine 100000. However the mountains are ideal for mining. The direct north yields a further expanse of lowland valleys and hills, suitable for cultivation.
AVeryBigNurd You have 2 ship types to choose from: The Aetolian Bireme, propelled by 2 sides full of oars, double decks, room above deck for artillery or soldiers. And the Veneti sailing ship, tough and resilient to heavy winds and storms, can be upgraded to larger sizes with more masts.
DragonEggLol Your 10 sailors will be taking a long journey, they have already left however a longboat will be sent back if the mission fails.
DragonEggLol The mills have been developed, now flour can be made into a finer grain which produces softer and tastier bread. Sulphur will have to be mined elsehwere, the pink triangles on the map are KNOWN or SUSPECTED sulphur deposits, but advanced scanning tech is not available and therefore the locations may be innacurate or false entirely.