Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
DragonEggLol You currently have 0 warships, and several hundreds of smaller public fishing and travelling vessels. Only military ships are shown on the map.
DragonEggLol Your city at 581 106 could not be built, bad navigations and adverse terrain are disrupting the transport of families and materials. Also, raids by northern tribals are becoming more frequent in the region as you move north, lumber caravans are being lost. Not having a proper road into the uncharted areas also hurts your supply lines.
The green tribe has abandoned its western lands and migrated southwest for the winter, seeking the warmer winds that come from the tropical far western continent.
NuttyMcNuttzz Your northern army crushed the enemy troops in the port with a swift storming of the city's light defenses. Southern barbarians launched an attack on your fortified port that was repulsed by the heavy defenses. The remaining barbarian troops have retreated to their territories.
ok den
The first steam engine was developed in 1698, and I thought we were in the medieval times?
How the heccko do you have trains and steam power
Continue the advancement of steam, try to set up factories with a converyor line setup. Start to develop trains and laying down train lines. Send out our eastern ships to the eastern coast of our island, to the forests there. Continue our expansion inward to the center of the island
I set my ships on a journey of exploration west and east, and send scouts north, northwest and northeast to see how suitable the regions are for colonising.