Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Umm One of your ships has been outfitted with canvas drapes as well as soaked hardwood. 20 large warships have been constructed. Your infantry is being reissued the steel chainmail instead of self made armor.
DragonEggLol More statues are being built in temples around the city interior/
Have some ships go to the North colony. I want to link it to my main territory.
Speaking of the 2 deckers, create 20 of them to bolster our navy. Send more troops up north (100 elites and 300 normal), start to train 1000 more normal troops. Start to produce chainmail armor made of steel chains to issue to our troops, more specifically the ones with swords.
In that case lets modify one of our 2 decker ships to be insulated, get some obsidian to contain this holy fire in and then just encase it in other stuff
Build more monuments to the greek gods in our capital, making them out of marble. They should look something like this:
DragonEggLol Your crossbowmen have been instructed to aim for the middle eye. Hopefully Apollo will guide their arrows.
TeddyD The draft was not met with much dissent, as at this point a huge part of your population lives to hunt. Ranch life is the default profession of almost every middle to upper classmen. Your draft has yielded 3000 soldiers.
I will research more efficent farming, so that we can get a higher population before they come back. Also put a draft at the age of 18 to get more trained troops
Tell the crossbowmen to aim for the heart.