Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
It's worth the price, you basically have to start with nothing, then colonize the world while aliens are trying to destroy everything you own (can be dissabled) while bringing in the industrial revolution and in the end launching a rocket
I listen to scary stories and epic music to relax while I play, no podcasts for me xd
It's on steam
Umm ohhh dear, Factorio. Yeah I've heard of it, some simulator where you do like construction and industrial maintenance and stuff?
MinecraftTranquility: When will my ships arrive at the colony location?
I'm going to presume that's something similar to insomnia, not heard of it before. But have you heard of Factorio? Get a new map on that running, get a nice podcast and by the time you check back on the clock it's midnight on the next day
Umm I always sleep before 1 am because once I go past it for some reason any sleepiness I DO have evaporates. Then I basically have to stay up the rest of the night writing or doing something else xd.
because I like to not go to sleep before like 2 am, then to just sleep
I sleep till 1 pm GMT +2, basically your time -7 ish hours
Umm Yeah, and it gives me an excuse to stay up