51 / 10
21st Jan 2020
15th May 2024
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
nationwide helpalienshere maps diplomacy politics edir worldmap wide nation weneedhelp


  • Umm
    1st Feb 2020
    So obsidian to contain this napalm of sorts eh? Lets try to get some of that and get some of this holy fire up north in case the forests get angry at me. Build up a fort and a barracks (2 in 1) in the north, make it a standard for else and make one near the capital. Send the fire into the fortress barracks. Now lets try to experiment a bit with this, could I get some of it on top of a arrow head, or just heat it up?
  • DragonEggLol
    1st Feb 2020
    MinecraftTranquility what are the numbers beside our nation?
  • Alienoverlord
    1st Feb 2020
    So you don't try to kill me, and I can help you defend your nation.
  • Alienoverlord
    1st Feb 2020
    Umm, that's fine.
  • Soapwurmskill909
    1st Feb 2020
    Alienoverlord: And why would you like an alliance?
  • Alienoverlord
    1st Feb 2020
    Soapy, I request an alliance.
  • Umm
    1st Feb 2020
    Alien, currently the anwser will be a no.
  • Soapwurmskill909
    1st Feb 2020
    I start to build up my military, and then start to guard my borders heavily, and fire warning shots at anyone who comes close to us ancient biengs...
  • Alienoverlord
    1st Feb 2020
    Umm, I request a trade agreement between us. I need sand. I can give you wood. (without forests attacking anybody)
  • Umm
    1st Feb 2020
    What sort of heresy is this? The forest? Agitated? Well, atleast we have more farmlands and wood, start construction of a new warship, one that is 2 decks with 2 masts, create 2 variants of it, one with a hollower inside made to carry various types of wood, grain, livestock or anything other really and one that is more of a warship. Get some people up there to investigate what sory of heresy these magicaly gypsies have been up to.