Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Very well. Let it commence.
Alienoverlord The plains are exceptionally easy to traverse, as such, expansion will be quick to the west.
Train 10 calvary not to be used by the army but to be used for the communication system. Instead of having a person go from outpost to outpost, have the 10 calvary stationed at each station, and increase the communication.
And expand inland from my capital.
Rename to the Vatican Remnant.
Alienoverlord Yes you can.
DragonEggLol You already have horses, they are mostly used for racing, considering you never ordered any cavalry. Your horses come from the plains, they are rounded up in small herds. Your Roman communications allow for a somewhat larger sphere of influence, the northern provinces are stabilized for now.
Also, research faster moving methods (maybe horses?)
Have a roman-like system of communication, having people travel between outposts among the way to the plains, and once one person arrives at a outpost, another person immediantly travels to the other outpost. This should cut communication times by a lot.
Can I take the United Order nation?