Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
And for those who wish to still join this nationwide, there are 2 slots open for new players, both already developed enough to not fall behind.
Alienoverlord I can't make a map in 5 minutes mate. I'll make one when I have the time and mood.
DragonEggLol The cooking boy is a martyr for the lower class population. Morale is increased. The statues that dot your capital districts commemorate your historical figures and allow for goals to be set for normal citizens.
My map? Where's my map?
DragonEggLol Your northern provinces are beginning to fall apart in terms of infrastructure and administrative connections. They are stretching too far out of the effective range of your power distribution from the capital government. You need to somehow increase the range of your communications and provincial governance.
OK. It will start on your mark.
Alienoverlord I've seen it already :), will act on it soon.
MT, check PHAROL, there's good news in it.
DragonEggLol Your researchers are studying the specimens and sample. The shoggoth itself won't let anyone get near it. Your collectors found out the hard way when a tendril of muscle lashed out from the shoggoths main body, ripping one of your men's face off. By the way, you currently hold the largest nation so far in Edir.
Older, it is a medieval map after all.