I start mass producing crossbows that are incredibly easy to make and repair (basically the AK47 of crossbows).
Build very cozy villages around Colora, hoping to increase internal trade and population.
Umm Your naval academy expansions allow for more sailors to participate in training yearly.
Umm Your colonies cannot operate on much right now. They are busy foraging to keep themselves from starving and expanding the initial campsites. To facilitate a proper overseas state, you need to increase the scale of the colonial effort. More supplies, more manpower.
Umm Your scientists have managed to create a strange substance with the sulphur. It does not combust violently like gunpowder, but rather burns at a docile level in a bright purple flame. Steel was exposed to the flame and melted almost instantly, apparently the powder burns at an ultra high temperature, something way higher than any coal fire can produce.
DragonEggLol Several mixtures of herbal medicines and substances are tested, all of them get simply absorbed by the Coralium disease.
DragonEggLol 1 Volunteer shows up, a sickly cooking boy who wishes to make something of himself. The trap has been successful, the boy was killed in the process, but the troops managed to throw some heavy netting as well as some regular ropes over it. Steel rope is not possible without advanced metallurgy.
NuttyMcNuttzz Your navy has destroyed the abandoned enemy fleet, cutting off the barbarian escape route back to their territory. Your armies are moving north to cut off their possible route into the northern lowlands.
TeddyD The enemy is engaging, the battle begins.
TeddyD Your archers have been placed in position, and another 1000 have been mobilized, courtesy of the homeless population. Barbed wire will kill most normal humans, however the undead are composed of zombies, skeletons, ghouls, and other deathspawn, many of which are basically unaffected by the wire. Also, the hordes are being controlled by their masters in the homelands, they are smart enough to at least cut the wires or try to avoid thicker patches.