Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
AVeryBigNurd A tough but smaller ship has been built for purely oceanic survelliance purposes.
DragonEggLol Refining process developed in forges, you can now purify metals to make them stronger.
DragonEggLol The group allows for a more organized and comprehensive approach to problems and experimentations.
NuttyMcNuttzz Another horde of barbarians have crossed the northern strait and have sacked your northeasternmost port. They are occupying the city and wringing money out of the inhabitants.
NuttyMcNuttzz Troops factories are technically already fortifications. They start out as a simple barracks camp for training and housing, then over time they increase their defenses and equipment resources.
DragonEggLol Your research team cannot conduct any really useful research as they cannot enter the shoggoth territory without being attacked by something or the other that crawls out of the mud/sludge. They need samples, they need test subjects, and they need a shoggoth specimen.
DragonEggLol Some of your soldiers have caught a strange sickness. Your alchemists and doctors identify it as the "coralium" plague. They have also studied the strange fluids and infected matter within the shoggoth lands, all botanical and non-botanical organisms seem to be vulnerable to the substance of coralium.
DragonEggLol Your soldiers attempted to probe the territory, however the shoggoth have multiplied and have lashed out at your army, several men have been killed. Your troops can do little but remain in fortified positions around the infected area. The smell grows worse and worse, and the land becomes more and more rotten.
NuttyMcNuttzz Several of your trap laying teams have been assaulted during the night by enemy raiding parties. Your scouts have also found traps disabled, undone, or filled in. Possibly during said raids. You have some heavy catapults available within the city, however ballista will have to be manufactured in the mainland.
I outlaw some of the more inhumane methods of experimentation so as to make the populace support the PCA more. I also expand north and east. Also, what level is my tech at, and what resources do I have?