51 / 10
21st Jan 2020
15th May 2024
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
nationwide helpalienshere maps diplomacy politics edir worldmap wide nation weneedhelp


  • MinecraftTranquility
    29th Jan 2020
    Soapwurmskill909 If you have a location preference or color preference let me know.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    29th Jan 2020
    erictom333 The PCA has become a half popular half hated organization, as many members have practiced "inhumane" methods of experimentation on the human body and various highly dangerous chemicals.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    29th Jan 2020
    NuttyMcNuttzz Your soldiers are laying traps around the city, however several enemy soldiers have been spotted observing the placement of your traps. The enemy seems to be deterred by the wall your troops have constructed, as they had evidently attacked under the impression that they would be able to easily sack the province and enter/exit as they please. They also didn't seem to expect you to amass so many troops this quickly.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    29th Jan 2020
    Soapwurmskill909 Adding you right now
  • MinecraftTranquility
    29th Jan 2020
    Umm Iron ore, bronze, a huge amount of coal, silver, and gold further inland. Steel is used for smaller tools currently, but you can up the supply by simply making more, which is more expensive but will allow mass usage of steel. Hull reinforcements work, but only really to help hold the beams together under pressure. In terms of actual armor you cannot afford to equip all your ships with large steel plates, much less a 100% steel hull.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    29th Jan 2020
    TeddyD You already have a written language. As for the tech, you have acquired the design of the codex book, now you can forgo scrolls. And you have discovered the forging process for a new metal: tungsten.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    29th Jan 2020
    DragonEggLol I should mention, the shoggoths look like this https://media.moddb.com/cache/images/groups/1/9/8054/thumb_620x2000/swamp-monster.jpg
  • MinecraftTranquility
    29th Jan 2020
    DragonEggLol Paper money value is currently not understood, as you currently use coins to simulate currency. Each coin is valued based on its metal. The citizens can actually account for the value of a coin, but they dislike the idea of giving value to a piece of paper.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    29th Jan 2020
    DragonEggLol Your builder team arrived to find that the shoggoths had expanded. They released a strange greenish-goo wherever they moved, this slime infected the plants and environment, turning the swamps and forests into strange fungal wastelands that reek of death and rot. The shoggoths have also built strange monoliths out of a dark stone that dot their territory. 15 builders and 20 soldier's were killed by the shoggoths. Your party has returned quickly.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    29th Jan 2020
    DragonEggLol Galley designed, 500 troops out of camp. Steel chainmail has been recalled and issued to only elite class soldiers.