Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Once we have steel, make bigger ships with steel reienforcements to make them more sturdy. Also use steel for any tools that may need to be stronger. Make our tools overall longer lasting by using better materials.
Continue the expansion north, send 100 troops with them and continue the graphing efforts. Search our lands for any metals or other valuables. If we already have iron I want steel to be looked into, make whatever is needed to get that into production. I want to introduce aging and drying the wood to make it more durable at sea and in other uses. Impliment standard tools and prepare to take control over our businesses, do this slowly over many years to lessen the potential backlash.
Actually, can I also disign the Portugese Carrack?
Can I decrypt some of the simpler tech from the cities, or find out how to make books (and a written launguage if I dont have one already)? Build a troop factory
Research paper money. If we did not have a national currency, develop one. If the people are not happy with the new national currency, revert to our old one. Encourage trade with the sorrounding towns and increase our economy. Build a food factory based on agriculture at (545,100). Have the food factory employ a two-field planting method. Build another city at (528, 101)
IF the Shaggoths have any value contain them and breed them to managable ammounts.
I will design the Caesarian Galley. Train 500 more troops. Instead of using the steel chainmail for every person in the army, instead use the chainmail for the elite army only. Accompany 50 builders to the tomb with soilders to protect them. Tell the builders to build a wall around the area with places to shoot from. We will kill all of the Shaggoths except for 2. Send scientists to see if the Shaggoths has any scientific value and if they don't, kill them.
I also begin developing an eductaional system and have schools opened in all cities and villages, there is no fee to enroll. I alos have monastaries opened in the higlands, where the most wealthiest citizens can get a higher education
I finish repairing the port and I repair my ships. I then finish evacuating the citizens. I alos do an emergency draft, and I train 2300 troops if possible. I want the men to be as healty and physically fit as possible. I then have them equiped with the best weaponry i have and have them sent to the port