51 / 10
21st Jan 2020
15th May 2024
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
nationwide helpalienshere maps diplomacy politics edir worldmap wide nation weneedhelp


  • AVeryBigNurd
    28th Jan 2020
    Expand deeper into the frozen landscape, stop, then turn west.
  • AVeryBigNurd
    28th Jan 2020
    Go further with mining. Harvest wool for preperation to winter.
  • erictom333
    28th Jan 2020
    I expand to the east of the mountains
  • MinecraftTranquility
    28th Jan 2020
    NuttyMcNuttzz Your soldiers are currently building a seawall to protect the port while the remaining population rebuilds the infrastructure. The defense is gonna be a 10 foot tall stone brick wall lined with wooden pikes at the bottom.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    28th Jan 2020
    NuttyMcNuttzz Pink triangles represent the KNOWN deposits. The most viable one is within tribal territory. You're gonna have to push them out if you want to get to it. Or you can try and make the long grueling journey north through the 2nd largest mountain range in Edir.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    28th Jan 2020
    NuttyMcNuttzz I'll highlight the sulfur deposits nearest to you, they are in unfortunate positions I'm afraid xd.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    28th Jan 2020
    NuttyMcNuttzz Horses are found further inland to the north, you need to expand northward to have a reliable supply of horses. Your soldiers have arrived to a burning port engulfed in panic and chaos. Citizens are attempting to leave the coast in any floatation device possible. Meanwhile the barbarians are currently hovering just outside the borders, probably foraging for food supplies or preparing for another raid.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    28th Jan 2020
    TeddyD Minerals will have to be found beneath the plains, pit mines are an option.
  • MinecraftTranquility
    28th Jan 2020
    TeddyD Your people have discovered many secrets within the ruins of the ancient city, including images and illustrations of strange technologies and beings. Several scrolls and books have been recovered by historians and explorers, though these artifacts remain in storage.
  • NuttyMcNuttzz
    28th Jan 2020
    Send 200 troops to the Eastern colony and begin fortifying it(with a wall). Are there any horses around? If there are, can we train another 200 and station them in the East. I also open sulfur mines and begin research on gunpowder. I also train enough archers to mount them on the Eastern colony walls