Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Soapwurmskill909 Coordinates?
I would like to start in the middle of the biggest ocean and my colour purple
NuttyMcNuttzz Your purpose for the reserves has been explained although several of your families possess their own storages in the form of cellars, sealed caves, cabins, and other storage facilities. The amount of food up for contribution has been reduced, this has placated most of your production groups.
So we shall do then. Once steam power is usable use it to make powered tools
Umm For mortar your engineers suggest using the sands around the southern beaches so get that nice bonding strength needed.
Umm Educational darwinism helps your population recruit the most qualified workers for their professions, however it also makes life for the lower class much more difficult, as they cannot afford a proper education and the lower jobs they WOULD get are given to more "smarter" middle class workers.
Umm Your population is composed of EOM descendancies, they already possess a subconcious loyalty to the state on account of the legends they have grown up hearing. Little is known about your history, but they know of the glory that once existed on another world far away, they have the goal of resurrecting that glory.
Umm 200 troops trained. The income tax has been met with some resistance but nothing that will amount to much. Steam power is being looked into however the energy generated by current uses of steam is minimal, not much seems to be coming of it. Your government has contacted some inventors to offer them the task of developing steam tech.
Magic? What heresy is this
Soapwurmskill909 Alright you are the first nation to convert to a magic system of utility.