Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Oh, and, MT, no more novel orders, that will put lots of pressure on me, and, yes, this is for PHAROL.
MT, your scouts in PHAROL have reported in, the yellow nation demands an answer to their question.
people: don't make thousands of detailed moves, it will end up being pressure on mt
Hey MT, I created this save, ID:2504892, to save space in the comment section. Also so my orders don't get forgotten over the days. This is only for territory expansion. All other moves will be posted in the comments
I'm still king.
Yo, Mcgaming! It's me, your king in the Order of the Sword!
Yo, y'all in PHAROL, please, return.
Also get steam power into research
Try to find a good way to get mortar to help keep our aquaducts together. Try to find a good way to get concrete, if we can only manage to get weak and brittle concrete we will keep on searching.
Continue the exploration further north, I want to get to the thick forests there to find some more useful types of wood and good farmlands. Set up a senate of sorts capable of streamlining our country. Get police in our capital and in every region with a population that might not welcome our changes in the future or current ones.