Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Train 200 extra troops to send out with explorers from our capital and northern most landing. Set up a tax on income. Start to look into steam power and better tools of better quality. Start to indoctrinate our people to be country and empire focused more than self, starting from the children. Set up a school system in all parts and a system to find the best and most promising children at all areas to send them off to more specialised schools, e.g intelligence, strenght, agility, precision.
MinecraftTranquility: I will go with magic, as it has a high war advantage and we would be able to maintain higher population if that makes sense.
attack them and take thier land.
also is purple even here? I dont know if they just went on vacation or if they are just inactive
MQT: I do that
Greek fire is only for use on ships and sieges tho, it isn't effective against infantry.
yo greekfire is like the original flamethrower lmao
I meant steel spathas (roman swords)
Also, where is my port at (586, 125)?
Train another 200 troops again and train them with the same itensity as before. Equip the entire army with the best steel swords now that we have the steel production.