51 / 10
21st Jan 2020
15th May 2024
Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
nationwide helpalienshere maps diplomacy politics edir worldmap wide nation weneedhelp


  • Umm
    24th Jan 2020
    Send out mappers and prospectors to make precise maps of our lands and the resources they hold. Send them with the boats roughly 100 miles away and let them, with some supplies start a port town
  • Umm
    24th Jan 2020
    Use the sea salt to conserve our foods and give those rations to the scouts, use all other resources to make roads. Send out the teams further to scout for more suitable farm land and trees. Set up our farms futher from the coasts or stormy areas and build aquaducts to get water to them, use the stones we found to do that, whatever suits it the best will be used. If we do not have the income to do so then we will strech this project out over a few years
  • Umm
    24th Jan 2020
    Well then, we'll organize a military boot camp, higher pay and skill requirements, open up one sector for now, the recon corps. Train every soldier to be capable of surviving on their own, to have DIY skills to survive in the harsh climate and to make stuff and make the trainers of each seperate part of training the best one we have, either a expert at it or someone who can do it to the level we'd desire.
  • stopmotion
    24th Jan 2020
    I'll join this. Place my capital at X:247 Y:40
  • Mcgaming
    24th Jan 2020
    we are way ahead
  • DragonEggLol
    24th Jan 2020
    Sorry I meant to build the city at (573,135)
  • DragonEggLol
    24th Jan 2020
    I'm sorry if this is a lot but I might not be here tommorow and I don't want to fall behind
  • DragonEggLol
    24th Jan 2020
    Also, build a city at (571,134) so they have access to a freshwater spring. Train 100 more elite troops and equip them with the new crossbow and armor. Send them out to explore and conquer the lands around us.
  • DragonEggLol
    24th Jan 2020
    I might not be here tomorrow, so here are my requests: Check on the forge to see if they discovered any new metal from the research. Also, have a 2 teams of scouts equipped with the new crossbow (to combat predators) go through the swamps through the migration trails of the animals and create a map of the trail for future references. Research better farming and hunting equipment and put the best minds of the colony on how to build a road across the migration trail.
  • TeddyD
    24th Jan 2020
    MinecraftTranquility go ahead