Landscape will affect infrastructure and armies. Conquer, build, and trade. Invalid moves will be voided. Join in the comments: You may choose your country's name and location, give me your capital coordinates.
Umm You're in. Tech is sitting at around early medieval era. Metallic tools are currently available as among the few remnants of EOM technology that survived the centuries.
Mcgaming A barracks has been constructed. Military outposts and barracks are among the most efficient ways to conquer land and expand territories.
Guybrushpowder You're in
TeddyD You are surrounded by a huge plains continental region. Vast herds of buffalo and other pack animals roam these lands, the region is also littered with the ruins of ancient fortresses and cities from thousands of years ago.
TeddyD Got it, you're in. And no, you do not have to have a real nation, in fact the whole point of picking your own nation is to make one up yourself xd.
Mcgaming Your nations possesses some small farming communities in the region, and some minor quantities of livestock. Food supply is good, although raw materials are lacking.
I search for crops to domesticate and clay to make pots out of.
also, its year 1, so research spears and farming
build a food factory and troop factory at 389 132
Wait I just realised I'm not next to the ocean so this is big sad, I can't build a port