New tank from DoubleZero (00_) series. To increase firepower of tank battalions (002+008), new 150mm smoothbore gun was mounted on tank. Due to lack of space in turret and to reduce mass of armour, crew was moved to separated capsule in front of the MBT.
Oh god I meant 10 mm max there, not cm, that's what you get with sleep depravation I guess.
please dont the rip off
SpacE1: kinda yes, but i didn't really want it like this. There are elements from many tanks, but anyway it looks like it.
kerponaut: honestly, that thickness just looks better.
@Umm if the back was 10cm that would be 100mm which in comparison the Tiger I had 102mm of rontal armour. And given that this is an MBT there is really no need for armour on the back. In my opinion 100mm would be an over kill and 50-30mm would be more than enough.
hm... looks like T14 Armata... +1
And one thing more, you can put a second radio station, even less powerful, to crew capsule?
Also hits from sides... The first and the main thing I mentioned in description, is that this tank was created to improve firepower of tank units (where there are 002s and these 008s). So it was specially made to kill enemy tanks face-to-face with 100 percent chance of penetrating their armour on distances 1km+, or turning some buildings to dust from same distance. So, basically, if this tank gets hit from a side... crew is doing something wrong.
Moreover, you mentioned hits from a sides and depression. Well, i totally don't agree that there'll be only -3 degrees of depression. Just draw this thing on paper, take protractor and calculate possible angles. There are -7, maybe -5 but definitely not -3.