41 / 3
12th Mar 2020
2nd Dec 2022
New tank from DoubleZero (00_) series. To increase firepower of tank battalions (002+008), new 150mm smoothbore gun was mounted on tank. Due to lack of space in turret and to reduce mass of armour, crew was moved to separated capsule in front of the MBT.
mainbattletank armata realistic tank vehicle explosion weapon armor armour shot


  • AlehandroBlyat
    13th Mar 2020
    PeterCZ: Where were all of you when i built first tanks?... Anyway, i agree that too much wires will make it easy to blind this tank but why don't make these wires take up the least space and there are many variants how to put then into zones which probably won't get hit?
  • Umm
    12th Mar 2020
    Also the back end appears to have about 10 CM I'm willing to bet, way too little to be considered actual armor. 150 mm guns have certain advantages and disadvantages, if you fire a sabot round it could allow the piercing projectile itself to be longer, and thus have more penetrative potential, especially against those cheeky cheeks of the Leopards. Also the seeming lack of depression and overuse of wires is a minus, I'll give you that.
  • peterCZ
    12th Mar 2020
    russian autoloader system ok
  • peterCZ
    12th Mar 2020
    Cooling systems looks good, but it seems like you were inspired by russian tanks.. no depression at all -3 at most elevation looks good at about +20 or similiar
  • peterCZ
    12th Mar 2020
    Optics look good, but 150mm gun is just too big, you can see now that most modern MBT's use 120-125mm cannons or similiar
  • peterCZ
    12th Mar 2020
    This tank has a lot of disadvatnages... first of all Radio is separated from crew by a lot, if the wire connecting the crew and radio gets hit, oh boy good luck finding the problem, second of all one hit from the side can eliminate crew easily.. thirdly the same with optics the wire gets hit and you are blind, fourthly the gun breech is too big and this tank wont propably be good enough for future upgrades... autoloader is nice ...
  • AlehandroBlyat
    12th Mar 2020
    Oh, i'm sorry about my misunderstanding. About it, personally I think that it's the best solution for this concept of tank as here, with whole turret being separated from crew, it's more important for loading mechanism to be idk, troubleproof, as it cant be fixed during battle. And this type of shells with autoloader can guarantee you this. And i'm partly a fan of soviet tank building school btw.
  • Umm
    12th Mar 2020
    Personally I like the concept of them, but in my opinion the execution here hasn't been that good. The entire point of 2 part shots is to keep the explosive charge away from the main point of enemy fire, usually the turret. So I'd say that keeping both the ammo and explosive in the same place defeats the purpose of them, even more so if the tank doesn't have wet stowage.
  • AlehandroBlyat
    12th Mar 2020
    I thought that it wouldn't look really good but i hope that dark particles at the end of a shell make it look better and kinda thinner.
  • Umm
    12th Mar 2020
    Is this a 2 part shot? That's intresting