14th Apr 2020
24th Apr 2020
This is a continuation of the Kingdom Game set on another world. State your name, race and where you want to start if you want to join.
You wish for me to roll something to determine the outcome of the Prometheans arrival?
Military clone varient. How will it reproduce?
Is there only a single Promethean?
Success roll: 1-3 makes an organic hyperpolymer knife; 4-7 makes an organic hyperpolymer spear; 8-11 makes a primitive hyperpolymer longbow/arrows (this would have the range of a rifle but be less accurate); 12-15 makes a small energy repeater pistol; 16-19 makes a makeshift dematerializer rifle (this can shoot through entire buildings); rolling 20 fixes the Warskin, making the Promethean into a living weapon.
The single Promethean MC will arrive in an emergency drop pod. It impacts the left corner of this map. The impact has damaged all equipment, and the only thing that prevented its death was the Warskin exosuit, now barely functional. The Promethean begins scrapping the wreckage for usable parts to assemble weapons. Roll to actions:
@Vampireax. Using Prometheans is alright so long as they have no access to their technologies and there is no hope of the VSGE ever coming to this world. Also they should lack the ability to replicate VSGE technology but they can have knowledge of it, but not an in depth understanding of it.
I thougt so.
yes that is for eruption
I noticed the massive amount of explosives on the volcano.