14th Apr 2020
24th Apr 2020
This is a continuation of the Kingdom Game set on another world. State your name, race and where you want to start if you want to join.
The trees have been grown.
The saplings have been planted but they will soon grow into trees.
grow wood pls
Houses have been made with the available wood.They aren't the most spacious ones but they will be enough they will keep your people warm and relatively dry. Your people are the light blue ones by the way.
the seeds plant trees sorry and the wood build houses
and with te wood plant trees
i will make axes and chop down 40 percent of forest
You've now made a mine and using some of the metals you have been able to forge crude but effective iron tools. But since you lack infrastructure needed to make effective iron tools their quality will not be great.
Ok. You mime will be constructed now.
i build swords and pickaxes to kill animals and mine