There might arise some sort of stigma about it, if I were to create or add to a forum, that could cause some people not to believe the conversation was worth their time. Additionally, we are not Ted-Talk experts or anything, so (at least in my experience) it would be difficult to shorten what we're trying to say without some hours of revision and some frustration-filled time in MS Word just to simplify our points.
@Mrprocom, Thank you. I'd like to add that, well, we accounted for the fact that the comment would have contextual relevance GIVEN the importance of the issue. I don't think I would have contributed if I didn't think we could trust anything would come of it. At that, I would like to fully acknowledge the option to make (or contribute to) a forum about it, but I do also want to consider the 'cons', so to speak.
@kerponaut No, no... This is a good mark to leave. Not because of the content itself, but because of the discussion it triggered. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust apon them.
should i start my "hardware geek"?
kerponaut: My mark on the TPT community was creating a meme and that's about it
also I can relate to most of these... excluding the bad ones LUL
wait, there is no laser maker? that was like most of the teck ages foundation.
Everybody leaves a mark on the powder toy, some larger some smaler... Now i need to figure out how to make this not be that mark i leave.
And thus, a meme-post turned into something higher...
I had the same feelings Mrprocom did. When I saw a report on 23 pages of comments I was scared, what were they arguing about now <_<. But they were actually good arguments. I agreed with a lot of what they said. It was technically a rant, but it was a constructive one, so I didn't delete anything. Glad the TPT community is being constructive :)