IE is a faction based RP similar to GCII, Universe Club and many others, in some ways it is a 3D nation wide but instead of your power being based on land, it is based on military numbers, population if you dont have a military.To join comment here
I want to join your game
I am sorry, this is almost entirely based on discord
im not old enough to use discord
Dangerkitty: an rp, you can join the dicord to see how it works
what is this?
Here is a discord link for the rp: follow the rules of the server, use common sense and follow all tpt guidelines, specifically any anti-harassment/anti-hate rules
Vampireax: I told you leave me alone.
That's not even true. It's regrettable you think it is, despite multiple people telling you otherwise. The invitation is still open, Dice. You don't have to listen to what I say, when you can come see for yourself. Be shown better.
Vampireax: You say i don't know you and that is semi-correct, you get PO'd that i wouldn't let you change my faction and restrict me from expansion and them acted all suprised when i pulled the plug on roxa, i made a new faction and you declared no matter what i did you would attack me, so i think i have a pretty good idea of who you are and as Umm said, just leave me alone.