IE is a faction based RP similar to GCII, Universe Club and many others, in some ways it is a 3D nation wide but instead of your power being based on land, it is based on military numbers, population if you dont have a military.To join comment here
Vampireax: no because i am running this, FE, another nation wide with 2 and soon more maps, Parallax,Dicord servers for almost all of those and 2 tpt acounts: @Trash_Can, and this acount.
Would you like to have a look before deciding for certain?
Vampireax: I am not joining anything you run
You're still welcome to join Faction Wars, and bring them with. We have 9 players/potential players and 2 game masters players so far. There is a guarantee you won't be crushed or controlled this time.
Vampireax: another rp that i tun similar to gcii, i put a s***load of work into roxa and flain so i wanted to use them again and thus, this was born.
This isn't a replacement. I am the one who made IFG and GC, and GCII was just part two of GC. The next stage is FW, and we have all the players. What do you have here?
Vampireax: this is a replacement for gcii so no
I'm able to do both.
You should give this up and join the actual roleplay. We have way more people.
What's the code?